
“Pippa has been an absolute rock to me over the past few months, She keeps me organised, focused and motivated and I know that once a task is passed to her, I don't have to worry about it again. What's more she is a pleasure to be around. She has a wonderful sense of humour and literally fizzes with ideas of how to improve things and how she can help other people be more efficient and effective in their business. Like me, she sees opportunities to connect people and gives a tremendous amount of herself to the strong relationships she nurtures. ”

Nicky Thomas

The Growth Community

“Pippa has been a revelation to work with, being self employed they world can rapidly become a lonely place with no-one to keep you accountable to the world domination plans that you come up with at 2am in the morning. Pippa has helped keep me on track and moving forward with the plans that I need to put into place in my business rather than carrying on doing what I have always done because it is doing an ok job. If you either have a new start up business which you need keeping on track with or you are feeling a bit flat in your current biz I can highly recommend Pippa.”

Katherine Rowel

Brindle House Financial Services

“Accountability, focus, support, and a timely kick up the bum when needed....I've experienced all of this from Pippa in just this week. Pippa had a great knack of seeing through the mass of ideas, things that need to be done and opportunities to grasp to help you focus, develop a prioritised plan and then makes sure you stick to it. I've made great progress in my business that I know I wouldn't have achieved if Pippa wasn't in my life. ”

Tracy Cartwright

Danum Business Solutions

Pippa is amazing at keeping you on track and when you have goals and targets to hit - she also has a wealth of ideas and is a great support too.

If you need a bit of Tigger in your life and business, then Pippa is your woman.

Clare Froggatt

Make a brew

“Pippa has been an amazing asset to our company, she helps keep me and the team focused and on track on our projects but also knows when not to push. Would recommend anyone who needs that kick to talk to Pippa, you won't be dissapointed!”

Chris Allbones

Drumbeat Marketing

Pippa has the unique ability to support and challenge all at the same time. She is knowledgeable and professional and soon identifies exactly the right support needed which she then delivers with warmth, care and humour to ensure, as a client, you feel supported and empowered.\ Again her challenge is always tailored to what is needed, and feels supportive whilst at the same time giving you the nudge that you need to move your business forward.

Sarah Wray

Live Well Consultancy

Not sure if I can help you?

If you have big ideas and need to get those thoughts into projects, tasks & targets then book in a call.

I''ll hold you accountable to achieve your goals.